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ITS and ServiceNow To Co-host West Coast Asset Management Insight Events

Rachel Wells
May 23, 2019

Software Asset Management Professional is one of ServiceNow’s hottest offerings.

It can quickly deliver real capital cost reduction and avoidance in almost any enterprise. In these exclusive lunch & learns, industry experts from ServiceNow and ITS Partners will discuss governance and management of all pieces of a successful software asset management program. Asset management is much more process than it is tools and therefore getting your organization aligned with these best practices will help ensure you a successful roll-out of SAM Professional and other asset projects.

Download our 5 Things That Mature ITAM Programs Are Doing Right.

Join us at one of the events listed below for a discussion on the value and best practices for implementing ServiceNow’s new SAM solution. We'll be hosting more Asset Management events later this summer, so keep your eyes out for those details. 













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