Even with a standard, codified response process, it was difficult to find resources with capacity to do the work and ensure tasks were assigned in a fast and effective way. Between communication failures, capacity conflicts, and skill mismatches, delays were piling up and critical steps were being dropped or forgotten.
Leveraging standardized incident responses, a unified communication platform, and a detailed understanding of each incident, ServiceNow is capable of instantly moving each response forward step by step.
SMART SELECTION CRITERIA: ServiceNow accepts configured selection criteria, such as worker skills, ratings, work schedules and availability, and automatically assigns tasks to workers who best match those criteria.
COMMON PLATFORM: With every worker in the response pipeline using ServiceNow, task assignments are guaranteed to reach the right worker and always contain the critical information to complete the step.
IMMEDIATE PROGRESSION: Each step in the incident response process is assigned to the next worker the instant the previous step is completed. No need for manual communication.