ITS Partners Insights

Podcast: The symbiotic relationship between HAM and Infosec

Written by Chad Dupin | June 8, 2021

ITS Partners was proud to be a part of The ITAM Review Podcast. Learn from experts Yvette Mathews and Josh Bernson about the changing role of Hardware Asset Management post-COVID and how organizations can address the key challenges.

HAM and Infosec

Hear about the relationship between HAM and Infosec. A symbiotic partnership with ITAM helping Information Security, and Information Security helping ITAM. As well as the daunting task of getting started with HAM when you have no idea where to start and the concept of asking users and stakeholders to “self-certify” assets to confirm ownership and ensure records are accurate.

RELATED: HAMx: A prescriptive revolution in Hardware Asset Management (HAM)

HAM and Infosec – Podcast topics include:

  • How the demands for HAM have changed as a result of COVID-19
  • Information Security as a driver for HAM
  • Federating data and the CMDB
  • A prescriptive approach to ITAM implementation
  • Jump starting HAM when you don’t know where to start
  • Self-certification of assets to support ownership records and accuracy
  • Governance boards to oversee assets throughout their lifecycle
  • Securing budgets for HAM activities

RELATED: HAM and Infosec Podcast

Yvette and Josh spoke at the Wisdom Online North America 2021 conference. Listen to the recording here!