With the quarantine in place, we don't get to interact face to face. We all love to communicate so to stay engaged (and keep each other company), we've utilized our online messaging system, Slack.
This past week we've created different Slack channels, based on interests and needs in our company.
Here are a few!
#watercooler : For ad hoc Zoom meetings to chat about your dog or the latest projects people are working on. Anyone can start a call and anyone can join the call. Basically, this is just to see other humans...
#cooking : To share some recipes!
#productivity : Not all of us are used to working from home for so long. The Work From Home vets share their ideas on how to best be productive.
#music-audio-tech : What are the latest beats you're listening to? Do you prefer Spotify over Apple Music?
#gaming-general : Latest tips and tricks to improve your gaming.
#finance : A place for discussing the current stock market, general finance concepts, or other money management ideas. Riveting stuff, I know.
#pooch-posse : Dogs. Need I say more?
Other businesses have channels such as:
#exec-ama : A channel where anyone can ask a question to the appropriate executive team member.
#company-culture : For anyone to share feedback on business or workplace issues or offer up ideas on how to improve things in the future.
#running : For all the early morning milers.
#happy-place : Cute babies or animals...what could be better?
We've really had to up our tech game this week, partly because we have no choice, but we also want to make sure we are staying engaged like we usually would if we were all in our office!