In the name of speed, we often look for short-term fixes to long-term problems. We’re then somehow amazed when things fall apart. It’s the old “bubble gum and duct tape” approach: eventually, we end up with a solution or process that would make MacGyver proud.
Now, some processes are less critical to the business, and a little bit of patchwork is ok (at least in the short term). There are other processes, however, where the only thing to do is to stop, review, and re-think. These processes are so critical that a failure in the patchwork could lead to all-out chaos.
The process that comes to mind as of late is Security Incident Response. Security Incident Response (SIR) is the process for security teams to manage suspected threats and actual breaches.
How does your company respond to a threat or incident -- and how quickly (and effectively) can it do so? If you’re a security professional and you’re using email, a spreadsheet, or pen and paper to manage security incident response, you need to stop, review, and re-think your approach.
If we move past the short-term fix and think about the long-term solution, the goal should be to reduce the amount of time and resources required to detect and resolve these risks. ServiceNow's Security Incident Response application provides security teams with a central platform for executing this process, which: